The M-Series family OEMed from Mellanox, which provide 100 GbE Ethernet connectivity, but also scale down to an SMB price point, provide HPE with a strong channel offering that has a large price-performance differential over Fibre Channel.
Cloud, Software, Storage
Archive360 enhances SharePoint Online, announces support for new Microsoft services
by Mark Cox •
Channel Programs, Internet of Things, Storage
Hitachi shift in focus to Internet of Things likely to be major plus for channel
by Mark Cox •
Internet of Things
Hitachi intensifies focus on Internet of Things at inaugural customer event
by Mark Cox •
In addition to forming a new company, Vantara, to consolidate around the IoT opportunity, Hitachi rebooted their Lumada IoT platform and announced their first IoT appliance, based on Lumada. While they were never close to the top in enterprise storage, their goal is to be the leader in the IoT space.