Automated threat response technologies help MSPs secure their client networks using fewer resources while providing greater benefits. Barracda’s Adam Khan explains in this guest blog.
In this guest blog, Acronis president Gaidar Magdanurov offers some off-the-beaten-path suggestions for how MSPs can take advantage of the capabilities of AI in their security solutions.
Having knowledgeable leaders at the helm is crucial for protecting the organization and securing the best possible cyber insurance coverage. Find out more in this guest blog from ESET.
MSPs are widely deploying AI-based services and tools, but more training and a renewed focus on proven, reliable, and straightforward applications is needed.
In this guest post, Gaidar Magdanurov, President of Acronis, offers MSPs advice on how to hitch their wagon to Microsoft’s massive scale and mareketing strength.
The prerequisites for becoming a security elite create a skills ceiling that is tough to break through – especially when it comes to hiring skilled EDR or XDR operators. How can businesses crack this conundrum?
In this guest blog, Acronis president Gaidar Magdanurov discusses why MSPs should be paying close attention to their clients’ cyber insurance applications, especially what insurance companies care about most deeply.
In this guest blog, Fortinet Canada channel leader Sean Campbell weighs in on how partners can help their embrace “radical and responsible transparency” and the movement to be secure by design.
In this special bonus episode of the podcast from Ingram Micro Canada, Lenovo Canada’s Bill Tirpkos interviews Ingram’s Ayon Khan and Roger Silvestre about the relationship between the vendor and the distributor, and how Ingram adds value to Lenovo’s data centre lineup.
The leader of Avaya Customer Experience Services offers a look at how to make the most of artificial intelligence in the contact centre by putting “heart” into AI, part of an effort to make a future that is AI + Human.
The topic of AI has lit up the industry over the last 18 months, but what does the advanced of machine learning and artificial intelligence mean for the future of the managed services model. Acronis’ Gaidar Magdanurov offers his thoughts in this guest blog.
In this guest blog, Avaya’s Steve Brock outlines the Avaya Experience Platform and how it can help you make your customers’ employee experience better.
In this guest blog, Gaidar Magdanurov of Acronis offers three reasons cybercriminals are after your clients’ collaboration apps, and five ways you can spoil their efforts and keep your customers safe.