Lynn Tinney takes the SVP of Channels role at OPAQ, as the company transitions its all-channel model to focus on service providers and MSPs, who they think get the best value from the platform and services they offer.
Cisco Canada President Rola Dagher recounted Cisco Canada’s trumps over the last year, which saw Canada named as Cisco’s top theatre for growth, while also highlighting the initiative Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins launched the previous day in conjunction with Deloitte and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
From a product perspective, Savision’s IT Operation solution that integrates and controls monitoring, cloud, and service management tools data in a single pane of glass will enable Martello’s UC/SD-WAN offering to have this same seamless capability. From a business point of view, it doubles Martello’s sales and marketing resources, strengthens their channel, and turns their European presence from minor into a real strength.