The new Asigra program will support partners in being able to attract new customers by letting them offer Asigra backup for half of what the customer is currently paying.

Eran Farajun, Asigra’s Executive Vice President
Backup and recovery vendor Asigra has announced a new Partner Acceleration Program. Designed to bring in new customers, it provides financial incentives to their partners to allow them to offer Asigra backup and recovery for 50 per cent of what a customer is currently paying. Customers also have choice in their pricing model, and can select either Asigra’s traditional capacity-based subscription, but also per-machine, per mailbox, per CPU socket, or recovery-based pricing.
The program is an entire net-new for Asigra.
“We’ve not done an Acceleration Program before,” said Eran Farajun, Asigra’s Executive Vice President. “We have done our Hybrid Partner program with incentives and MDF, but this kind of program is completely new for us.”
Farajun referenced a recent survey by Spiceworks of more than 1,000 IT buyers across North America indicating that managed backup services are projected to grow faster than the managed services market as a whole. IT budget for cloud backup services is forecast to grow at 15 per cent in 2018, compared to 10 per cent for productivity solutions, 9 per cent for email hosting and 9 per cent for web hosting,
“With managed backup growing faster than the market, we designed this program to help our partners grab a bigger slice of the pie in this segment,” Farajun said.
“The program will enable our partners to talk with customers looking to reduce costs, or who don’t have the budget to do all the projects they want to do,” he stated. “It’s the equivalent of finding some money in the couch. Our partners can go to prospects and offer Asigra backup for half of what they are paying now for their incumbent backup, and we will support the pricing to allow them to sell at that price.”
The partner has to verify the price that the customer is paying. With respect to the new contracts, Farajun said that they don’t want the customer to do any unnatural act, like signing an unduly long contract with the locked in 50 per cent price.
“Given that the price of backup and recovery continues to fall, over a very long term it’s possible that that price could fall more than 50 per cent anyway, so a very long contract wouldn’t be to the customer’s advantage,” Farajun said. “We expect some 12 month subscriptions, with the longer ones, mainly for larger companies, coming in at around five years.”
Farajun said that this is not designed as a limited time promo.
“There is no end date for the program,” he indicated.
The program also allows partners the flexibility to select whatever software licensing model they like.
“In the past we had a couple flavors of capacity-based pricing,” Farajun stated. “What we have added now is whetever metric customer wants. That includes per-machine pricing, per mailbox pricing, per CPU socket pricing, or recovery-based pricing.
The program is available now.