For channel partners, the immediate plus here is a massively dense NVMe device, which can be sold on the basis of those capacity and power features, even if a customer doesn’t need the devices’ computational storage capabilities today.
Data quality vendor Naveego has announced a collaboration with Sisense around one customer, and while this is not even a formal partnership, they believe that their synergies with BI vendors and ability to work easily with their platforms make such strategic partnerships an important part of their future.
The Hitachi Hyper Scale-Out Platform, a new, next-generation technology, leverages technology acquired with Pentaho last year to provide an appliance that is aimed at Big Data, Data Lake and Internet of Things use cases now, and at broader use cases once an all-flash version is available later this year.
Syncsort says the results from a recent survey dovetail with what they are seeing from their own customers — that customers are increasingly moving to Hadoop, and that while much of this to date has been for operational use cases, they expect to see more transformative uses that drive new business opportunities.