Zoom has unified its partner programs and will offer AV partners access to Zoom phone in new Zoom Up Partner Program

A key benefit for traditional AV partners who have sold Zoom Rooms in the past, but been largely excluded through regulations from selling phones, is that they will be able to resell Zoom Phones with Native Capabilities. This will be phased in by geos, and while the U.S. and Canada are not in the first wave, they are on the road map.

Titaniam brings full anti-ransomware suite to market with ability to stop data exfiltration as well as prevent attacker encryption

Data protection vendors have widely adopted data immutability technologies to prevent ransomware attacks from encrypting it, a technique that has been successful and led some attackers to try stealing the data and hold its return for ransom instead. Titaniam is also designed to stop that.

Netwrix rolls out unified partner portal to make it easier to work with solutions from four recently acquired companies

In 2021, Netwrix acquired four companies, including Stealthbits, which was approximately the same size as themselves. Since then, they have used three different portals, with products from two of the acquired companies not available through any of them. Now everything is available through a single portal, along with new training and tracking capabilities.