Netenrich bolsters security credentials with new Attack Surface Intelligence offering and free global threat intelligence feed

Knowledge Now, the free global threat intelligence tool, is designed to provide actionable intelligence, while Attack Surface Intelligence provides a hacker’s view of the customer’s environment, and indicating problem areas and how to fix them.

It’s imperative for partners to address the cybersecurity skills gap – here’s how

Fortinet Canada channel chief Sean Campbell offers some thoughts on what solution providers can do to make sure their staff have the security skills needed to succeed in the market today and provide the digital defences of tomorrow.

Sonrai Security extends enterprise identity platform with new Governance Automation Engine

Sonrai uses workflow and role-based swimlanes to address identity and workload-related issues by automatically routing actions to cloud, security, audit or DevOps teams, or deploy remediation bots to address the issue, with the customer being able to determine how they want things handled.