RocketCyber is recruiting SMB-focused MSPs with a cybersecurity platform that offers 15 separate services that can be offered to customers, with more being developed. The new threat map provides SOC-like identification of threats that impact each MSP’s specific customers.

The RocketCyber Live Threat Map
Dallas-based RocketCyber is announcing the general availability of their RocketCyber Security Platform which offers SMB-focused Managed Service Providers a diverse array of security services, with some being provided for free, and others available on a fee basis. They are also unveiling a live global threat map that provides early warning indicators where an MSP can take action. It will be provided for free as a core platform service.
RocketCyber is the third company founded by Carl Banzhof, their CEO, and Billy Austin, their President. The first, Citadel Security, made security compliance software, and was acquired by McAfee in 2006. The second, iScan Online, made an automated risk intelligence solution and was acquired in early 2016 by LOGICnow, which is now part of SolarWinds. Those were both focused on the enterprise, but RocketCyber is aimed at the SMB space, with the focus on the MSP serving the bottom part of that market, organizations with 200 employee and fewer. The idea is to provide MSPs with differentiated security services that go beyond the core firewall and anti-virus that tend to be the core of their services, and create more billable service opportunities. Coming out of beta, the platform has 15 of these ‘RocketApps,’ with an additional 21 in the process of development. All have been designed in-house. The free apps include highly-marketable services like Advanced Breach Detection and Threat Hunting that let the MSP do assessments, and On Demand Analysis that allow them to assess a suspicious file. MSPs simply turn on the specific apps they want, and access them through supported RMMs, which include ConnectWise and Autotask out of the gate.
“We had 17 MSPs in our beta,” Austin said. “When the platform goes live this week, a further 121 on the waiting list from the ConnectWise IT Nation Connect event in November and between 50 and 60 from earlier ASCII events will be added in.”

Accompanying data from two CyberRocket apps, CyberTerrorist Network Connections and Malicious File Detection
The new RocketCyber Live Threat Map is not an app, but a tool that provides a real-time visualization of malicious and suspicious activity occurring on the endpoint by area of origin.
“Larger MSPs have SOCs with movie theatre-type screens which illustrate early warning indicators, and our Threat Map provides the same type of thing for our MSPs,” Austin said. “The attack data is not generic and global, but shows activity related to each MSP’s specific customers. The map shows all of the MSP’s customers but can drill down to a single one if required, although we think that in most scenarios they will be looking at all customers.”
The map displays a visual list of identified threats on the right, which include the location origin and IP Address of the attacker, the managed customer impacted, the host computer under attack, and the date and time of detection, together with a hotlink providing technical information. It exposes obvious red flags like SSH or FTP remote connections from countries which would have little reason to communicate with a small regional company in North America.
“If a small bank or a dentist’s office with no need for communications from countries like North Korea or Russia is showing such traffic, that’s an obvious sign for investigation,” Austin said. “It shows server traffic from countries with a record of remote attacks on small businesses.”
The map is designed to provide a graphic which is more eye-catching than conventional alert screens and dashboards.
“It’s an attractive visual,” Austin said.
The RocketCyber Live Threat Map is free for Managed Service Providers who sign up at It includes monitoring support for an unlimited customers. There is not a charge once you scale past a certain point.

Data from two more apps, Advanced Breach Detection and Suspicious Event Monitor
RocketCyber has an aggressive schedule for the new year to attend MSP-related trade shows and talk with potential new partners.
“We have shows coming up starting with ASCII in Orange Country [February 20-21], the Robin Robins Boot Camp [March 5-8 in Nashville], and ASCII in Dallas [March 27-28],” Austin said. “In all, we have signed up for 24 MSP-related events this year.”
Austin also noted that part of the process of going live will be the addition of sales staff to work with partners.
“On January 22, we have our first sales employees coming on board,” he indicated. “We have been all developers until now. The new employees will work directly with MSPs.”