The enhanced SteelCentral also adds Prism, which uses AI to visualize the conversion funnel and spot issues, and full integration with Riverbed Xirrus WI-Fi.
A third enhancement, new SteelConnect support for LTE uplinks, is more of a niche feature in North America except in remote regions, although it is still sometimes used as a backup system.
Riverbed fills in what they state was the only void in their SteelFusion edge product, and expect this will open up new opportunities and continue the product line’s momentum.
They include changes to Professional Services training designed to increase dollar spend, up-leveling Premier partner competency requirements, and a new Demo program which reduces the cost outlay to partners.
The new software-defined platform has 2.5 times more compute and ten times more storage than its predecessor, as well as software enhancements that improve security and speed up provisioning and recovery times.
The new Riverbed-Ready program is for ISVs partners, and is designed to spur new and more full featured solutions which cover all the elements of Riverbed’s Application Performance Platform, but solution provider partners are also expected to benefit significantly.