3 ways AI-based scripting can help MSPs reduce the burden on IT

Gaidar Magdanurov, President of Acronis

In recent years, the IT skills shortage has plagued the managed service provider (MSP) community, and hiring and retaining IT professionals has become more challenging than ever. As a result, more MSPs are turning to automation to reduce the burden on IT. 

IT scripting has long been the answer to automating time-consuming tasks, but writing custom scripts is labor-intensive and requires skill in its own right. Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing that. These three practical applications of AI-based scripting help IT write scripts and enable MSPs to combat the IT obstacles that hamper productivity and stifle business growth. 

1. Automating routine tasks

Most MSP owners will agree that automating repetitive tasks is a necessity. However, rather than relying solely on technicians to write scripts, MSPs can optimize resources and bypass the high labor costs of script development with AI-based scripting. It also minimizes the risk of human error, alleviates manual input from skilled engineers and accelerates script development.

2. Complementing preexisting scripts and your existing engineers

In instances when scripts already exist, AI-based scripting can facilitate improving and extending the scripts using prompt instructions. It is helpful to use AI-enabled scripting in scenarios where the requirements are complex. The existing scripts can be fine-tuned and tailored to diverse IT environments. This enables IT professionals to generate scripts or make changes to scripts more swiftly with the help of AI assistance. 

From clearing the DNS cache to deleting log data to configuring firewalls or emptying the recycle bin, AI-based scripting empowers engineers to customize these tasks, improve current processes and accelerate productivity.

3. Fast-tracking threat detection and response

MSPs can also greatly benefit from AI-based scripting to enhance cybersecurity. There is one game-changing use case that could significantly accelerate endpoint detection and response (EDR) activities: If MSPs integrate endpoint security and AI-powered scripting, it will allow scripts to be generated instantly upon the detection of cyberthreats and take immediate response actions (without delay). Therefore, it will be even more rapid to initiate remediation steps, resolve issues and significantly minimize downtime. Given the increase in sophistication of threats, the ability to instantly generate powerful scripts when a threat is first detected helps MSPs ensure that risks are mitigated in potential breaches before an attack can escalate.

While AI tools should be utilized strategically and with mindfulness, they can help you deliver security services with higher reliability and swifter IT issue resolution. This reinforces the overarching security posture and instills confidence and reliability in the MSP’s services.

Reaching new levels of efficiency and security 

 AI-based tools are more than gaining traction; they are becoming a part of the MSP’s primary stack. AI-based scripting has endless use cases that will transform IT operational efficiency and, more importantly, enhance cyber resilience against advanced cyberthreats. With ongoing development, the nature of IT service provisioning will be more innovative, faster and more reliable.