Designed to slash customer onboarding time for MSPs, the new CloudJumper Customer Management module adds automated migration to the automated quoting and provisioning that had been there before.
JD Helms, Cloudjumper’s President
Workspace as a Service [WaaS] platform provider Cloudjumper has enhanced its partner portal with a new automated Customer Management Module designed to significantly reduce time spent that MSPs spend onboarding customers. The big enhancement over the first version of the portal rolled out last year is the addition of JumpStart, a seamless migration application for onboarding.
“Our partner portal continues to grow significantly as we add new features and functionality,” said JD Helms, Cloudjumper’s President. “Companies typically have portals for quotes, provisioning, or migration. We are the first one with a full end-to-end solution, which provides the quotes, the provisioning and the migration.”
Cloudjumper was spun out of application delivery provider nGenx last year specifically to focus on the developing WaaS market, with their nWorkSpace scalable WaaS platform. The company viewed the my.CloudJumper partner portal it unveiled last year as a differentiator, using analytics to build out a price quote. Adding the automated migration capability is the new element here, which fills out the onboarding process.
“Migrations used to be significant projects,” Helms said. “In 2008, it was still three months. By 2014, that had been halved to six weeks. JumpStart slahes that again, enabling migration in a timeframe ranging from hours to a few days.”
Helms said that with JumpStart, the Customer Management Module is a complete ground-to-cloud onboarding solution.
“When a new customer places an order with an MSP, they get an executable for JumpStart,” Helms said. “Partners can run it through scripting. The executable scans the customer environment, mirrors the customer landscape and provisions new WaaS accounts. It then sets everything up in a staging area so the partner can review it. When they click that, it moves everything into the cloud for them with all the permissions. The whole onboarding process has been automated.”
In addition to the addition of JumpStart, the management process has been streamlined.
“The whole Customer Management Module is new,” Helms said. “It provides fuller customer account management than before. All the management – including permission sets, access to applications, changing user name, resetting passwords – all of that can be done from without having to go to another pane of glass. The whole entire management interface is new.” It is also fully integrated with the functionality put in the portal last year that lets MSPs create quotes, monitor service tickets, and review, assess and pay invoices.
Helms said that while the new module isn’t something that will help MSPs close deals, it will help them be much more efficient.
“It takes the pain out of a manual and time-consuming process,” he said. “Our partners will be able to onboard more customers, and support customers more smoothly. One partner testing that said that their support volume has gone down 80 per cent. This lets them grow their business much more with their existing staff, because it significantly reduces their support volume.”
Given that Cloudjumper now has over 1,000 MSP partners, automating their onboarding process also has the happy effect of reducing Cloudjumper’s support costs of the partners during this process.
“We believe this is gamechanging not only for our partners, but also for us, because of the level of effort required to support onboarding,” Helms said. “When you have as many partners as we do, that’s dozens of onboardings a week. Streamlining the process and making partners’ lives easier also makes our lives easier. It’s a huge benefit all the way down the stack.”
The Customer Management Module is launching free of charge to CloudJumper’s partners.
“It is free through the end of the year,” said Max Pruger, CloudJumper’s chief sales officer. “Next year, we potentially might introduce a charge. We will see what the market is like at that point.”