HP executives, including Andy Rhodes, who runs Poly, discussed where Poly has come since formally joining HP, and where they are going with their integrated technologies.

Andy Rhodes (L) and Chris Moss of HP
CHICAGO – At the HP Amplify Partner event here, Andy Rhodes, SVP and General Manager of Hybrid Solutions & HyperX at HP, who is in charge of the Poly portfolio, and Chris Moss, Head of Product and Portfolio Management, Hybrid Work Solutions at HP, summed up what Poly has been up to since their recent formal integration into HP. The Better Together theme is being presented to resellers here as essential to their success in these types of solutions going forward, where they can make much more money selling joint HP-Poly office communication solutions than they can make by selling the devices separately. The executives also laid out a road map showing where Poly’s technology will be going within the context of this strategy.
“This is all about how we can best help our customers to get the best of best remote and on-prem worlds within hybrid environment,” Rhodes said. “Hybrid doesn’t equate with remote. It will be the companies that get the balance right that will be more successful.”
Rhodes stressed that while many employees have found they like working with Doggo around, and certainly like not having to commute with its fuel and parking charges, there are good reasons why some people and job functions are more effective in an office environment at least part time.
“People like to work with people,” he said. “Many people are more innovative in this environment, and others have a better sense of community.”
With employee reluctance being a key impediment to getting more people back in the office, Rhodes cited data that indicates what is most critical to getting them back. Technology topped the list at 89% with Rhodes noting that many employees said what they had in the office was inferior to what they had at home. Colleagues and community were second, at 81%, and everything else was well back, including free food (55%) and beautiful design (54%).
Rhodes then went through Poly’s announcements since the HP deal was concluded, showing how they fit into the HP strategy.
“We announced our Zoom Room system at Zoomtopia in November,” he said. “In December we announced a new phone – yes HP is now in the phone business – and this phone and our headsets will pair. In January, we announced the Poly Free 60 Series, a true wireless bud system.”
Several major announcements were made at Enterprise Connect.
“This week we launched our Poly Video OS version 4.0, where Microsoft has certified the whole solution,” Rhodes added. This software innovation from HP shares individual faces from one camera, which shows each individual face and lets you track them.
They also announced that the Poly Studio X family of video bars are the first and only Android-based video appliances now certified for Google Meet. The Rove 20 wireless DECT IP phone and B1 base station, an entry-level single cell DECT handset for shift workers equipped with up to 35-hour battery life, was part of the package. So was the news that Poly and NuCurrent are teaming up to deliver future-ready tools designed for hybrid work with enhanced Qi charging capabilities.
Chris Moss then went through the road map, some of which is very close to availability
“We want to make sure our technology brings AI closer to the pandemic Work From Home experience,” he said. “Our camera will make adjustments to changes in the layout so that all people in the room can be seen.”
Moss then addressed challenges with glass in meeting rooms, including reflections and capturing people on the other side of the glass who are not actually in the meeting.
Reverse and echo suppression keeps people engaged, and people sound 3x closer to the microphone.
Dongles, which are easy to lose or break, are being eliminated through integration with HP.
“It all goes into the HP compute, Moss said. “This will work for all Poly headsets and all HP devices.”
Alex Cho, HP’s President of the Personal Systems Business, was excited about the Poly integrations into his PC systems
“Poly being fully integrated into HP increases our hybrid ability,” he said. “We are now designing spaces, not just providing devices. There is a lot to take to the marketplace here.”
“We are now fully integrated already with HP and have a road map,” Rhodes concluded. We are launching both Better Together and the unique Poly integrations.”