Enterprise player Dataguise adds full integration with another major cloud player, as part of its strategy of broadening out beyond large enterprises.

Venkat Subramanian, Dataguise’s Chief Technology Officer
At the Google Cloud Next ’17 event, Fremont CA-based Dataguise has announced that their DgSecure Detect platform now supports Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
“We make a datacentric, sensitive data governance solution, where the idea is to help customers find sensitive elements wherever they are in their data,” said Venkat Subramanian, Dataguise’s Chief Technology Officer.
Subramanian said that old standards of data governance have changed, putting new pressures on organizations to better know their data.
“The old ways of BI reporting are gone,” he said. “People today need real time access, so the applications have to provide access now to more people. The large data warehousing applications imposed straitjackets on how data could be leveraging, which are gone in the new applications like Hadoop, but these new technologies add pressure in maintaining control over the data.”
The move to the cloud further intensifies these pressures.
“It makes sense for large enterprise to get onto the public cloud, and get off maintaining IT infrastructure which was never their core competence,” Subramanian said. “But to do that, they need to protect their data. And to do that, they need to know their data. They need to know where the sensitive elements are, as well as the risk factors, and we help them with that. We also let them know who has access to the sensitive data, so they can ensure this is done right.”
DgSecure Detect can detect a nearly unlimited range of sensitive data, in structured, semi-structured, or unstructured content, using the solution’s custom sensitive data type definition capabilities. This includes credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, names, email addresses, medical IDs, ABA bank routing numbers, financial codes, or any other data an organization classifies as sensitive. It combines this data detection with automated, data-centric multiple encryptions, and also replaces content with partially masked content.
Dataguise’s extension of support for the large cloud storage providers, of which Google is the latest, is an important part of their go-to-market strategy.
“We initially began by selling to large enterprises, and eBay, Expedia, Microsoft, United Health Care, and American Express are among our customers,” Subramanian indicated. “Large customers found our on-prem offering attractive. More recently, however, we are finding more traction with SMBs, who have a data centre in cloud and want the protection we offer. It’s why we have spent so much effort making this available in the cloud.”
Customers could use Dataguise in the Google Storage Cloud before this integration. What the integration does is improve the quality of that integration.
“We can provide support for any cloud,” Subramanian said. “What we are doing here is getting more native on GCS in supporting Cloud Storage. All these cloud vendors need to be able to rapidly move data into the cloud infrastructure, but each do it in a different way. This new integration allows the customer to curate the data and make it more sharable.”