LastPass is launching a major redo of its partner program, which updates and simplifies processes, provide more robust tools, and deliver clear benefits to partners.

Jessica Couto, VP of Global Channel & Alliances at LastPass
Security firm LastPass, the product of a recent amalgamation with LogMeIn, is announcing significant changes coming to the partner program which provides password and identity management to their customers. The changes are designed to streamline processes and create new revenue opportunities for partners. They are also intended to enhance their security offerings, strengthen customer relationships, and make it easier for customers to sell LastPass solutions. password and identity management to their customers.
The new partner program represents a major upgrade over the past.
“The previous regime was heavily tiered and reseller focused,” said Jessica Couto, VP of Global Channel & Alliances at LastPass. “Now the focus is more on the MSPs, although the new program is really a blend of both.”
The new program includes MSPs, resellers, distributors, Technology Alliance Partners, and Cloud Marketplaces,” she stated. “We also have added resellers focused on new verticals like health care while others reach out to the security side.”
“Distis are great because they work with multiple types of partners, so give a better experience overall,” she said.
While the partner base here is not exclusively SMB, SMBs are still a significant portion of it.
“We are tailored to work with every partner type, and are certainly adaptable to SMBs,” Couto said. “We are heavily focused on MSPs who work this market. We also sell some into the higher market, where the partner can integrate us into their technology.”
These changes to the program update and simplify processes, provide more robust tools, and deliver clear benefits.
“A lot of these things have become table stakes, and are things that partners expect going forward,” Couto indicated. “Recurring revenue and renewals are important, so we increased the margin that we make available to partners. We also enhanced our administrative tool. It gives customers an executive summary of what the partners does for them, which has significant value. In addition, every partner has the right to five free family licenses.”
The new partner program features optimized partner pillars with clear and enforceable benefits, as well as standardized discounts at deal registration, and seamless integration with the new Partner Portal.
“The goal is to ensure a consistent and transparent experience for partners across all tiers,” Couto said.“In addition to the standardized discounts, a key objective is providing feedback that illustrates to partners that you heard them. We want to make sure that we are easy to work with. We also want to make sure that partners are able to focus on what they want, and to provide them with more margin and money to do so.”
Couto emphasized that LastPass is here to work with all types of partners, and they are open to collaboration,
“Partners will be happy to see how we go to market,” she said.
The new program also provides an Improved MSP Admin Experience: Enhanced reporting capabilities help streamline invoices, supports prorated billing, and enables MSPs to generate executive summary reports, showcasing product adoption, security scores, and ROI to client stakeholders. Significant changes have also been made to the partner portal, which is new. It is a one-stop hub for training, support, marketing resources, case management, benefit tracking, and attainment.
“We took feedback from the portal to the portal we had before,” Couto said. “We found that we needed to invest, so we invested in a brand new portal, because the old one provided information that was out of date before. Now of course we are also a security company, which meant that we had to look at how do we position ourselves since we were a security company before.”
The launch of this enhanced Partner Program comes at a time when the demand for managed security services is on the rise. According to a January 2025 study conducted by analyst firm Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), 77% of small businesses plan to increase their use of managed service providers over the next 12-24 months, with 59% specifically seeking third-party providers for cloud security.